The story of Kasmifood began in 2007. The owner of Kasmifood, Samir El Kasmi, was helping out on
an occasional basis in a butcher’s shop in Kiel, Antwerp.

He noticed that the clientele often asked why the halal assortment in the butcher’s shop was not as extensive as in non-halal butcher’s shops.
Samir then decided to bring out his cooking talent again and started making fresh halal chicken and meat salads. The fresh chicken and meat salads were immediately popular with the clientele and it was soon clear that the demand for them continued to rise. At that moment he decided to respond
to that demand and so Kasmifood was born.
Right from the start, quality, service and freshness were of paramount importance to us, which was clearly reflected in the feedback we received from our customers.

Kasmifood was the first company on the Belgian market specialized in Halal salads.

The halal salads have now become a household name within the Muslim community.
After an adventure of 5 years as a small independent company we decided to expand. In 2013 the
production line was expanded from our own factory located in Kappellen.

In this way we maintain control over the quality of our products and the quality of service to our customers. This way we can
also pay attention to innovation and development of new and existing products.
In the meantime, our range has expanded enormously, including charcuterie, dairy products, frozen snacks and sauces.

We hope to continue this trend so that everyone can enjoy our high-quality and
tasty Halal products.